Wednesday, November 24

A view by Sher :: DC artist portrait photographer

Yes, you can call me a photographer. But if you don't mind, please call me a visual artist.  Because I don't believe in just taking someone's picture.  Rather, I insist on creating an image that is elevated to a level of visual artistry.

This past Sunday I had the great honor to spend some time with and create a portrait for another of my kind.  She's a photographer as well and she's been working diligently and tirelessly to perfect her craft.  She will be graduating next month from the amazing Art Institute located in Arlington, Virginia and she is also preparing to make her mark on the interwebs soon with a launch of her photography business website.  To say that she is amazingly talented would be a ridiculous understatement.  And I would link to her website here but I think she's still working on it - though I know it's going to be any moment now.  The good thing of it is that we were able to take care of her artist portrait for the "about me" section that most any good visual artist should have to explain themselves a little better...

We scouted and trekked all over Georgetown to find a location for the above and we almost missed this setting because it was literally down a little grassy knolls and almost under a bridge.  *shrug* (Visual artists will go just about anywhere and do just about anything for the shot they need and want.)  The vision for the picture was to have something with a colorful background ala what's found in Philadelphia more than DC but the best we could do was some monotone graffiti tags.  Oh... what's that?  The graffiti isn't monotone?  Hmmm... that's right!  That's because I used my "mad skillz" (as my high school students like to call them) in Photoshop and I tweaked them so they looked colorful as if they were meant to be that way.  The power of Photoshop is amazing sometimes and though I prefer using it only for minor adjustments, the situation called for such a major "tweak" so that it was more accurately illustrative of how colorful and dynamic Sher is to begin with - nevermind her amazing visual artwork!

Spending time with Sher and being able to create her artist portrait was both a treat and an honor for me.  We talked plenty about visual art and how powerful it can be as well as just getting to know each other a little better on a personal level.  Always a joy meeting someone like Sher who has the same type of passion for visual art as I do!  Can't wait to see where Sher will go with all the talent she's got going on for herself because I guarantee that she's going to blow people's minds with whatever she will do.

Best of luck, Sher!  You've come quite a ways but I'm certain you have yet to surpass everyone with the miles you have yet to go.

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