Way back when I started my photography business (about a full decade now - woo!) websites were a far cry from what they are now. To put it mildly back then people/businesses didn't really have them unless they were 1) very important, 2) very well established, and/or 3) so tech savvy and code literate (read: geeky) that they coded websites just for fine. Nowadays? Having a virtual a virtual place to call home is just about as important as having a literal one. If someone starts talking up their business, it's standard that they provide you with some kind of contact information that you can access electronically. And because of this, it's very important to have a website that doesn't just work well but it also has to look good!
I have a distinct advantage over most photographers because experience in the visual arts isn't just of the photographic medium. I am well-versed in classic and contemporary studio art, graphic design, AND web based visual design! Since the beginning, way back when every one else was clamoring to design official websites for their business, I was visually designing, coding, and publishing things all by myself! And though my website has gone through about three major overhauls since websites become such a "thing" to have, I have to say that my latest has to be the snazziest I've ever done. You can find a link for it over on the left sidebar via hyperlink but here's a clickable screenshot for convenience...
My new website has been completely redesigned to feature something I've never used before and actually always railed against - flash animation! (I'm a bit of a geeky fan of things of the analog times. What can I say?) And though I've tried to stick with good ol' fashioned html for the most part (that's the stuff without all of the animation or blinking this or that), I started designing this flash renovation months ago and I'm happy to say that I'm not only done with it but I'm also very pleased with the results.
So, pop on over to my official website to check out my new digs and even say hello via the new contact section. I love when people say hello so please don't be shy!!!