Thursday, April 30

Baby Vincent :: Pittsburgh Infant Photographer

Do you remember Heather - one of the cutest pregnant ladies in the world???

Well... GUESS WHAT! She's now got one of the cutest newborn BABIES in the world!!!

He's too precious for words if you ask me. I mean just LOOK at him!

Welcome to the world, baby Vincent! And congratulations and welcome to the ranks of motherhood, Heather!

Tuesday, April 7

I *heart* DC!

I'm ashamed to admit it but lately I've taken for granted how close I live to our nation's capitol. Hard to believe this has happened since just a couple of years ago, you could find me wandering about the city every free moment I had! It's not that I don't love DC but I think it's more that I've not had the time that I used to to devote to what I affectionately called "adventuring" about it.

This week is spring break for me and though I should have spent the most of today holed up inside and chained to my computer finalizing some of my latest jobs, I forced myself to get up and get out of the house because honestly? All I ever do is work. Ask anyone.

Today my husband and I took our daughter for her first day of DC adventuring and though we never made it as far as the cherry blossoms (our original destination) we had a grand ol' time riding the metro, visiting some of our favorite museums, teaching her the appreciation of urban landscapes, and eating at one of my favorite DC restaurants, Teaism.

There's absolutely no place like home - especially when your home is DC!

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